Remember the childhood chant from long ago: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!"? Ah...perhaps that may have eased the pain of hurtful words as a child, but is it the truth? I would say, absolutely NOT! Words do have the power to hurt, and once spoken can never be retrieved nor the pain diminished. It is why the Bible teaches us to speak only those things which give grace--not only to those to whom they are spoken, but to those within earshot who hear!
As we approach Myasthenia Gravis Awareness month in June, this train of thought brings to mind some of the most painful words spoken to me to date: "Be glad you don't have Cancer!". Oh, how many times have I heard those words? Meant to be an encouragement and reminder of hope, all too often that statement--and the lack of loving care that follows--has the opposite effect. After all, there are very few fund raisers for awareness and research, a pitiful number of rallying cries to "cure Myasthenia Gravis", very few demonstrations of outreach to help and alleviate the physical and financial burden many MG patients face. On the other hand, I have heard the desperate and suffering cry out, "why can I not receive treatment?"; "How on earth can I possibly afford this expensive treatment?"; "Why doesn't my doctor know more about my disease?"; and even worse, "Why, oh why, did my loved one simply stop breathing and die in their sleep?" Please don't misunderstand me...I am grateful! I thank God for the simple blessings of life--each breath I breathe, every morsel of food I am capable of chewing and swallowing (even if it's only soup), each step I am able to take, each moment I get to share with loved ones. But please don't negate the gravity of my situation and that of many others just like me by pointing to another disease. In doing that, you negate our experiences and say--whether realizing it or not--that our suffering is invalid.
Please indulge me as I speak openly here. Have you seen the treatments I am subjected to and the trauma they bring? Do you know that Myasthenia Gravis can be just as debilitating--just as painful--just as deadly as cancer? And there is no cure for this disease either--only a small glimmer of hope that perhaps--just maybe--I might go into remission. But I am not promised that either. It struck me the other day as I was looking forward to an adjustment in my treatment schedule, that there will be no ceremonies with joyous bells to ring, indicating a victorious end to my treatments, for no matter how many I receive, there is no end in sight. An adjustment in frequency, perhaps, but never a "graduation" or release. Short of a miracle, I and others like me, will always--for the rest of our lives--find ourselves subject to invasive, painful and traumatic treatments, continuous testing and monitoring, and terrifying symptoms. I think I may have mentioned it...did I? It doesn't matter, because it does bear repeating: there is NO cure for Myasthenia Gravis, and we desperately need one!
If you look at me and I am smiling--thank God first, then thank a donor; thank Cover Girl/Max Factor/Mary Kay; thank the medical professionals that give tirelessly of their time and efforts to help people like me spend a little more time with those we love. If you see me struggling, pray for me; visit me; ask me how you can help! But whatever you do, please don't ever tell me or anyone who is suffering that we should be glad we don't have Cancer! I can assure you that I am already thankful. But trust me when I tell you--there are diseases as terrible, if not worse, than Cancer. Besides--this is not a competition. Your pain--whether physical or emotional--is worse, no less, than mine. And we would all do well to remember that throughout this journey called life, we are called to share one another's burdens, rejoicing in the good, grieving with the sorrowful (Romans 12:15). Most of all, we are to take care to choose our words carefully...
~"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you." (Ephesians 4:29 GNT)~
God bless you, I love you...
Kathie Lea
~"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8)~