I saw a new rheumatologist and my neurologist three weeks ago, and at the insistence of my neurologist, must add a new specialist to my ever growing list of doctors--a pulmonologist. While I am not looking forward to more tests, I find some comfort in the idea that I will finally get some things taken care of and, hopefully, under control. So much about my journey is baffling to me; to be perfectly honest, I find myself wanting to just push things aside so I don't have to cope with any of it anymore. But I know a young mother who has a daughter with multiple health conditions, and she faces the unknown on a daily basis. Every time I have a new symptom or no one seems to know what to do to make my situation better, I think of her. Her daughter was accepted into and is participating in a program in Houston where doctors search for answers to health issues for which there is no cure...not even a name, for that matter. I think of her and pray for her often, realizing that each and every known disease was once an unknown. Someone suffered unusual symptoms, and dedicated doctors worked tirelessly to find answers in an effort to help their patients. When I experience an unusual symptom, question one or more of my many specialists about it, and they shrug their shoulders with no answer, I consider that sweet child whose parents are doing everything they can to find answers--even though the answers they seek may not come quickly. Somehow that brings me a bit of peace and I don't doubt the healthcare system (for the most part) or my own sanity quite so much. Why? Because I know that answers will come!
Since my family has been going through a bit of a crisis, I contacted the pastor of a church nearby that we have visited a couple of times, and asked for prayer. I have to admit that it is very difficult for me to ask for help for myself beyond the realm of prayer, which comes easy for me because prayer is such an integral part of my life. But to ask for physical help? That is much harder for me! So you can imagine my discomfort when his immediate response was to assure me that not only would the church pray, but that they would put ACTION to their prayers...and then he asked me what physical needs they could work to meet. The thing is, the Bible says very clearly that we are to bear one another's burdens and help one another when one of us is in need. And it's a two way street; so that means that I'm supposed to let someone know what my needs are when they specifically ask me. Keeping that in mind, I swallowed my pride and told the pastor just what our needs are. I have to tell you that since that first request for prayer, sweet members of that church have visited me, brought food on my worst day of the week (infusion day), have cleaned my house, sent a card and messages of encouragement, and are signing up to take turns to help out and provide anything we need. At a time in my life when I have felt alone and isolated, this blessing has covered my soul with a healing balm that is renewing my spirit and giving me strength to face whatever the difficult days ahead bring my way.
Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I know, because the Bible tells me, that there is not a word on my tongue without God knowing it already. (Psalm 139:4) He teaches me to trust Him with all my heart (Proverbs 3:5-6), and promises that as I seek His face, I will find Him if I search with all my heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and your grace. I'm not going to waste time looking for my 'normal' anymore. I've found something much better, especially in times of crisis...the peace that comes with the promises of God, and the beauty in the hands of those who serve Him.
God bless you, I love you....
Kathie Lea
I wrote a long comment and google erased it 🙄. First off, thank you for the thoughts and prayers for Anna and our family. Though times are rough, the faithfulness of the Lord has been shown to us time and time again. While there are days we are down we know that God works all things for good for those who love Him, and boy do we love Him. His grace and mercy are unending and for that I am eternally grateful. I am so sorry you are having a rough time, well, tougher than usual because I know no days are easy. I’ve often wondered if maybe you should apply to the program Anna is in. What if all of your diagnoses went together to comprise a syndrome? If you want to apply let me know, I’ll be happy to guide you. May the Lord’s people continue to show you the love that God hopes we will all have for one another.
Your message brought tears to my eyes! I think it might be good to apply, so if you want to send me the info that would be great. If you have Aimee’s email address, you can send to her and she can forward to me. I’m not sure if they have age limits on these things, but we can certainly try! Love and prayers,
DeleteKathie Lea